# Redux Promise

This is a guide on how to strongly type Redux Promsie (opens new window) in Retux architecture.

# Prerequisites

# Define Action and Dispatch with Promise

First we define Action and Dispatch types specifically for Redux Promise.

// src/retux-store/modules/index.ts
export type PromiseAction<
  Type extends StoreActionType = StoreActionType
> = Promise<StoreAction<Type>>

export interface StoreDispatch<Type extends StoreActionType = StoreActionType> {
  <T extends StoreAction>(action: T): T
  <P extends Promise<StoreAction<Type>>>(promiseAction: P): P

Now we can pass PromiseAction around to define custom action creators.

const incrementDelay = (
  step: number,
  delay: number
): PromiseAction =>
  new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({ type: 'INCREMENT', payload: step })
    }, delay)

We can also restrict the dispatchable action types.

const incrementDelay = (
  step: number,
  delay: number
): PromiseAction<'INCREMENT'> =>
  new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({ type: 'INCREMENT', payload: step })
    }, delay)

# Containers

Since we have mixed action types we won't use the default MapDispatchToProps in React Retux which is meant for the default actions. Here we use the more primitive MapDispatchToPropsFunction or MapDispatchToPropsObject and feed our own action types.

# Function Form

import { MapDispatchToPropsFunction } from 'react-retux'

const mapDispatchToProps = MapDispatchToPropsFunction<
> = dispatch => ({
  onClick: event => {

# Object Form

Note that you can also just feed Action types that are needed by the Component.

import { MapDispatchToPropsObject } from 'react-retux'

const mapDispatchToProps = MapDispatchToPropsObject<
  StoreAction | PromiseAction,
> = {
  onClick: anActionCreator